REST API in the works

April 10, 2015
Dear e-conomic developer,

Welcome to the latest edition of the e-conomic developer newsletter. It's been a while since we last communicated directly to our partners. Far too long. We know that many of you have been curious about what we're working on. So this newsletter features fresh information about our REST API and the future of our SOAP API.

REST API in the works

Some time ago we decided that our e-conomic API offerings needed to improve. Our SOAP API is robust and quite extensive with regards to the features offered. In its basic architecture, however, it is not very well structured or approachable for mere mortals. The API requires a lot of domain and application knowledge from its consumers, i.e. partners and developers.

This is what we set out to fix. The solution is our REST API – which is currently being developed and matured.

Read more on our TechTalk blog

The different states of the REST API

The e-conomic REST API is constantly evolving. New endpoints are created and properties are added in a steady flow. But how does the API handle these changes?

Currently, we offer no versioning of the e-conomic REST API. Instead, some endpoints will be stable and others will be experimental. Some will even be deprecated. This is displayed directly on the home resource of the API. As endpoints move out of their experimental mode and become stable, we will update the home resource to reflect this.

Read more on our TechTalk blog
From idea to hello world

From idea to ‘hello world’ in 3 minutes

Now it’s even faster to integrate with e-conomic. Our new signup flow for developer agreements has cut down TTFHW (Time To First ‘Hello World’) from 48 hours to 3 minutes.

Now, all you need to do is provide an app name and your email address. We will set up a developer agreement for you, create your first app container and send all the details to you.

Try out our new signup or read more about the thoughts behind it

How to stay updated

We know it's critical for our partners to stay updated on changes to the API. So here's a few communication channels to be aware of.


We will tweet about new features, properties and more via our API Twitter account - @economicAPI. This should be your main source of information on changes to our APIs.

TechTalk blog
When we have something a bit more lengthy to tell about, we'll elaborate on it in a blog post on our TechTalk blog.

Developer newsletter
In the occasional newsletters, we'll summarize all the most important new features.

Release notes
We are currently working on listing release notes for the REST API on the /releases endpoint. We think that is a fitting location for these updates - close to the actual API. Until this is up and running, we'll notify important updates via our Twitter account.

Should we be forced to introduce a general breaking change to our APIs, we'll send out an email to all newsletter subscribers.

Best regards,
Your e-conomic API Team